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Euro-Mediterranean weather forecasts
Issued on september 13, 2024 - 22:26 CEST

Sardinia Italy (north) Italy (south) Irish Republic United Kingdom Norway Sweden Denmark Portugal Spain France Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg Switzerland Germany Austria Czech Republic Poland Slovakia Hungary Slovenia Croatia Bosnia & Herzegovina Serbia & Montenegro Macedonia Albania Greece Bulgaria Romania Moldova Ukraine Belarus Lithuania Latvia Estonia Russia Turkey Cyprus Egypt Libya Tunisia Algeria Morocco

Select the country you are interested in and you will access the three days weather forecast for the main towns.
These forecasts are built by using the BOLAM direct model output after some post-processing. No subjective intervention is made by the forecasters, whose work is applied to more complex and elaborated weather reports for Sardinia that might be found in other pages of this web site.
However the information you can find here have a high degree of accuracy for temperature, relative humidity and wind, all calculated by linear interpolation from the 4 model grid points that are the model points sorrounding the geographical location considered. Cloud cover, rainfall and snowfall, calculated as simple mean of the four nearest neighbours, bear a lesser degree of accuracy due to their intrinsically limited predictability.

documentazione>meteorologia>i modelli matematici per la meteorologia
i nostri servizi>meteorologia>previsioni>BOLAM maps
ISAC [http://www.isac.cnr.it/~dinamica/]

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