BOLAM maps
The Meteoclimatic Department of ARPA Sardinia, in collaboration with the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the Italian National Research Council, runs operationally, twice a day, a meteorological Limited Area Model (LAM), called BOLAM.
The first run is obtained through a direct nesting of BOLAM into the 12UTC run of the TCO1279L137 General Circulation Model (GCM) of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF). As initial condition the 12h forecast is used with the following setup:
- Area limits: 24°N/61.5°N and 33.5°W/49.5°E
- Spatial resolution: 0.08° (about 8 km)
- Vertical sigma levels: 48
- Forecast range: 72h (3 days) with maps available every 3h
- Model update: daily around midnight
The second run is obtained nesting BOLAM into the first run output as initial and boundary conditions (available every 1h). The initial condition is now the 6h BOLAM father forecast. The run setup is:
- Area limits: 32°N/48°N and 2°W/20°E
- Spatial resolution: 0.04° (about 4 km)
- Vertical sigma levels: 56
- Forecast range: 48h (2 days) with maps available every 1h
- Model update: daily around midnight
The X and Y coordinates represent the distances from the origin of the reference system and 1° is roughly equivalent to 60 nautical miles. The plotted coastline is the one used by BOLAM and therefore it has the same resolution as the model.
Euro-Atlantic and Mediterranean area 0.08° (8km) Run: 09/10/2024 00:00 UTC |
Mediterranean area around Italy 0.04° (4km) Run: 09/10/2024 06:00 UTC |