BOLAM maps Select another map Back to description Euro-Atlantic and Mediterranean area 0.08° (8km)Run: 15/01/2025 00:00 UTC Geopotential height, wind at 250 hPa Geopotential height, wind, relative vorticity at 500 hPa Geopotential height, wind, relative humidity at 700 hPa Geopotential height, wind, temperature at 850 hPa MSLP, temperature at 2m, wind at 10m MSLP, relative humidity at 2m, wind at 10m Total cloud cover Total precipitation (accumulated in 12h) Convective precipitation (accumulated in 12h) Snow depth (accumulated in 12h) Wind at 10m (greater detail on mid-western Mediterranean area) Mediterranean area around Italy 0.04° (4km)Run: 15/01/2025 06:00 UTC MSLP, temperature at 2m, wind at 10m MSLP, relative humidity at 2m, wind at 10m Total cloud cover Total precipitation (accumulated in 3h) Total precipitation (accumulated in 12h) Convective precipitation (accumulated in 3h) Convective precipitation (accumulated in 12h) Snow depth (accumulated in 12h) Wind at 10m (greater detail on Sardinia)